How many times have you wished you could have a few hours to yourself during the day? That there was someplace where your child would feel comfortable and be able to learn and play. I know I have. Having time for yourself isn’t just important for yourself; it’s essential for your family. Children are always watching and taking in their surroundings; you can decide what type of environment you provide. That’s why it’s so important to have me-time while your children are in a safe place. So, you can destress and recharge!
Just like the rhythm of the day, we follow the rhythms in nature throughout the seasons! Building and crafting with open-ended materials takes imaginative play to new heights! Rock art with nature prints, sensory play, watercolor expression, storytelling, and domestic arts are just a few examples of what goes on within our walls…of course, accompanied by lots of little voices singing those seasonal songs that are sure to fill your home!
For you to be your best self and give your family everything you want to give, you have to fill your own cup first. After having children, you can start to forget about yourself and stop making yourself a priority in your own life. It usually feels like if you keep pushing and keep going, you’ll eventually get ahead. I know it sounds good, but it doesn’t work like that. Pushing yourself too far will only add to your stress and make your life more chaotic. Things will get harder to remember and routines impossible to keep. Slowing down and taking time to rest, plan and have a little fun is the best way to really get ahead, be productive, and have the joy and energy to create the life you want. Fill your cup with creativity so you can pour that energy back into your family.
Children grow up fast! Before you know it they won’t be little anymore. They’ll be off to stay the weekend at their friend’s house. You don’t want to be left with no hobbies or habits of your own. You are more than just a caregiver and to really show children how to interact with others and with the world they have to see it, see you enjoying things, see you taking care of yourself. Kids take in everything internally. Taking time to find things you love, and fill your cup with creativity are really some of the best things you can be doing for yourself and for your family. You’re never going to find the time for yourself. So you have to MAKE time for yourself.
“Children learn to smile from their parents.” —Shinichi Suzuki, Musician and Educator
This is the reason Moonbow was created. I saw the need for parents, mothers in particular who needed time to themselves during the day, to work, to work out, to see friends, to run errands, or to just have some me-time. Not everyone wants a full-time daycare or somewhere their child is obligated to be. But it would be nice to have a place where you know they’ll be welcomed and be able to interact and play in a safe place. There was a need for flexible childcare in the Northeast Florida communities.
Moonbow isn’t just a daycare though, our days are inspired by Waldorf and Lifeway education. The whole child approach nurtures children in every aspect of life and not just with academics. We learn through nature and the seasons, activities are based on everyday life, a home away from home. Our flexible schedules give you the freedom you need and a safe place for your child to learn and play.
Phone: 904-647-7665
Address: 14797 Philips Highway Ste 301 Jacksonville, FL 32256